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Beauty Tips


Eat right! Hair is made of keratin which is a form of protein, so try to make sure your balanced diet includes lots of good protein(fish, nuts, etc. ) and lots of water. We must remember that what we put in our body comes out in our scalp and hair.


Also don't forget to shampoo and condition your hair regularly, keeping in mind that non-leave in conditioner should never be left in longer than the specific brand recommends.Any other chemicals that you put in your hair can seriously damage it. 


Before you decide to color your hair, make sure it is in the best possible condition. If you have dry hair or lots of split ends, the hair coloration will not look even and natural. To solve this we do a weekly deep condition treatment and split end removal in the weeks leading up to your hair coloring appointment. This will ensure that your hair is healthy and will optimize the coloring.


Some hair problems are more complex than the dryness and frizz that we see. When hair is damaged beyond repair, there are no miracle creams or protein treatments that will help. Some of the main factors that damage hair are chemical relaxers, colorings, and bleaches that are commonly available and improperly used. Heat damage also accounts for a large percentage of hair problems. Excessive application of heat by curling irons, flat irons, and pressing combs can seriously burn your hair. The only solution for burnt hair is to cut it and regrow it, and then you pray you don't repeat!!!

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